Pregnancy Massage


Massage in Pregnancy is a wonderful experience. It can help a woman relax, can support her body during a period of physiological change and can help prepare the whole body for birth.

Pregnancy can put strain on the body and massage can help to relieve aches and pains and other common health problems experienced during pregnancy.

Towards the end of pregnancy many women find that there is plenty to do preparing for the baby's arrival but it is an important time for women to relax and enjoy the last weeks of carrying their baby. Massage provides a special time for a person to unwind which can also help Mum to be, focus on their body and their baby.

Massage can be beneficial for baby too. Research has shown that the unborn baby can be affected by the stress levels experienced by its mother. Massage has an indirect relaxing effect on the baby as the mother releases oxytoxcin and prolactin as a result of skin stimulation. Generally the more relaxed a mother feels during pregnancy, the more relaxed her pregnancy and birth can to be.