Pregnancy, Childbirth, New-borns, Infants and CranioSacral Therapy


An hour or so of CranioSacral Therapy during pregnancy can help reduce discomfort and other problems through late term and the birth itself. A few minutes spent with the new-born can resolve many of the effects of foetal and birth stress, helping to ensure good development and healthy adulthood. 

The whole essence of Craniosacral Therapy is helping natural processes to work as nature intends. The CranioSacral Therapist, achieves this by interacting hands-on with the person’s connective tissues, energetic and fluid systems to help reduce factors that compromise the natural healing, health-giving and growth processes that are designed at conception. These include reproduction and developmental processes. 

Nature has designed reproduction, birth and development to happen through instinct, guided by certain sequential triggers, hormones and opportunity. It has one object only - to enable healthy mothers to produce healthy babies that will then develop according to patterns that have been successful. 

The upshot is that most modern mums and babies would benefit from some degree of support to help their compromised structures and systems produce healthy babies. Many babies will have suffered some kind of unnatural stress or interference by the time they are born. 

Pregnancy brings substantial changes in weight distribution, posture and fluid balance. Old injuries, the legacy of earlier surgery and spinal trouble can make this an uncomfortable experience as the connective tissue is pushed near the limits of its flexibility in accommodating the little passenger and its protective wrapping. Long standing restrictions in the connective tissue that had previously given no trouble can now become a nuisance. The deep releasing effects of Craniosacral therapy help with adaptation to these changes, especially during the last stages as the pelvis attempts to accommodate the descending foetus. It can also help the birth itself to be more comfortable for mother and safer for the baby. 

We should also remember that the birth process provides its own challenges for the arriving foetus. The birth canal journey imposes stresses and places exceptional demands on the baby. As it pushes it’s way into the world its cranium is moulded, and these primitive reflexes in the body transformed to those needed for early life in the world.. When the circumstances for the completion are not ideal, or if baby has to be handled on its way out, strains can be introduced, especially in the temporal areas of the head, the base of the skull, in the hip joints and pelvis. 

Early treatment can help colic, postural deviation, wry neck, hip problems, sucking and swallowing difficulties, ear infections, poor sleep, breathing concerns and certain learning dysfunctions. 

It can be really helpful for new mothers receiving CranioSacral Therapy, profoundly relaxing and can enhance free movement in all the fluids systems of the body including the digestive system and that means optimal recovery from the strains of giving birth naturally or by caesarean after the baby has been born.